©2023 Route 66 Coin and Collectibiles, LLC - 1996 E Route 66 - Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
Rare Coins
Are you a Collector or an Investor?
The first question you need to answer, in order to
determine what to buy, is whether or not you're a
collector or an investor.
If you love the designs and images on coins and the
way it feels to hold them, and the satisfaction of
completing sets, then collect coins for their beauty and
the enjoyment of the hobby. You can still buy with a
view towards making a profit someday; most
collectors have this goal in the back of their minds.
If, however, your primary goal is to store up bullion
against the potential doomsday, or you just hope that
gold will go up in value and you'll be able to sell for a
profit someday, then buy bullion. You can sort of
straddle the fence on this by buying classic U.S. gold coins such as the Saint-Gaudens gold Eagles.
Get started today! Call us now at 1-928-527-0047